Uplifting voices and identities
that have been marginalized
improves systems and society
for everyone.
Children and families
most impacted
by public systems should be closest to the
power to affect decision making about their
lives and communities
People who have currently and/or formerly experienced ‘foster care’ AKA ‘out of home placement’ for any period of time in any sovereign nation, country, state or territory in the world
Parents & family members impacted by the child welfare system as a result of the Dept of Children and Families (DCF) being involved in the family’s lives and/or a child being removed and placed in ‘foster care’
As much as we appreciate our allies, our lens on ‘lived experience’ does NOT include people who choose to engage with the child welfare system personally and/or professionally: (ie. social workers, judges, lawyers, volunteers, foster and/or adoptive parents who are not kinship placements)
proximity to power matters
Within this lens of
“lived experience”
Identity shapes the
spectrum of how
we’re treated by
public systems and
our power to make
decisions about
our families, lives
and communities
“It takes a village.” CASA advocates and staff provide dedicated time, increasing the capacity of the often under-resourced systems. To accomplish this, we work as a team with systems and communities
In the constantly changing set of circumstances
that our children, families, and communities endure, we show up with creative energy and
the ability to shift and shine a light on priorities as needed.
The glue
that holds our
together and is achieved through cultivating trust, safety, and well-being. We will ensure that
our practice reflects these values through continuous evaluation of our goal to disrupt the
status quo in partnership with children, families, and community organizations
We center and
the experiences of
children and families
through humility, continued evolution and examination of our language, actions, and deliberate
cultivation of our environments. We will ensure these efforts are culturally-driven and
collaborative with children and families
A skillset developed over
time wherein we recognize and
validate the strengths and challenges faced by our
children, families, and communities without minimizing
We are entrusted with
privileged information
when children and families are
experiencing vulnerability and instability.
We guard the privacy of this information through
adherence to intentional protocol of oral and
written information both currently and through its
historical preservation.